Residential Treatment Services

Hope Center is a 16 bed transitional psychiatric group home. We provide Intensive CPR Services in an Intensive Residential Treatment Setting (IRTS). We serve clients with a wide variety of complex and co-occurring conditions and challenging needs including serious and persistent mental illness who require stability, assistance and support before they can successfully transition back into the community.

Our Mission

“To partner with the people we serve, their families, communities, and other human service organizations in providing quality behavioral health services and supports.”

Services Provided

Arthur Center Community Health provides a range of residential services including Intensive Residential Treatment Services (Hope Center) which is a transitional setting designed to provide intensive support to persons who have complicated behavioral health and healthcare needs.  We assist them in stabilizing their conditions, connect them with resources, assist with employment, and develop a transition plan to transition successfully into the community.  The average length of stay is 18 months.

We also offer Psychiatric Individualized Supported Living for transition-aged youth (18-30 years of age) and persons with co-occurring intellectual disabilities.  This can be a longer-term residential option and is designed for persons with more significant support needs who need to have 24 hour staffing.

Clustered Apartments is another type of residential support that is delivered in a person’s own home or apartment.  These services can range from multiple daily supports to more intermittent visits to assist with managing medications, assistance with keeping your home clean and safe, and assisting you with budgeting and access to medical care.

For persons who can live in residential care of various types, but would like to live independently in the community, we also offer Supported Living services in which we provide financial assistance with the initial transition costs and assure that your living is safe.

We provide:

  • Medication Management
  • Community Support Services
  • Psychosocial Assessments
  • Person-Centered Treatment Planning
  • Partnership with medical doctors and coordination of care including transportation to appointments
  • Risk Assessment
  • Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
  • 24-hour Resident Support Aids
  • Referrals to additional community agencies
  • Leisure and recreational activities

We partner with Arthur Center Community Health to provide:

  • Outpatient Psychiatry Services
  • Supported Employment Services
  • PSR-Wellness Connections Day Program
  • Benefits Specialists
  • Supported Community Living (SCL) funding

Making a Referral

We work very closely with our referral sources and community providers in order to provide a bridge of continuity for all involved. Referrals may come from DMH, State Hospitals, Forensic Case Monitors, other CPR providers, guardians, acute hospitals, etc. Our goal is always to transition clients into the community where they have the most supports-wherever that community may be. Please review the linked checklist then contact the Program Director, Stacey Williams by email or 573-975-4271.