Supported Employment (IPS)

Supported employment services works with you, your team and The Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to help people with a mental illness find and keep jobs.

Supported Employment Offers:

  • Staff will meet with you and develop a “Benefits Plan” that helps you understand how employment will impact your current benefits.
  • Staff will discuss your preferences and assist you in developing an “Employment Plan” including the kind of work you are seeking and what supports would be necessary for your successful transition.
  • Staff will provide you assistance in developing a professional resume.
  • Provide you support in preparing for interviews.
  • Introduce you to prospective employment opportunities.
  • The goal is to help you obtain competitive employment in your own community as soon as possible.
  • Staff will work alongside you and your new employer if needed to ensure you are successful!!!

Contact Information

For more information or to participate in Supported Employment Services, contact Hannah Schuckenbrock at 573-975-7957.

How Do I Know if I’m Eligible?

  • Qualify for Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
  • Have a Community Support Worker at Options Unlimited Fulton or Mexico
  • Live in the following Counties: Audrain, Callaway, Montgomery