Patient Rights

As a recipient of services at Arthur Center Community Health clinic, you have the right to:

  • Respectful medical care with sensitivity to your cultural and personal values, beliefs, and preferences.
  • Receive person-centered health care services based on your individual needs.
  • Receive complete and current information about your treatment so that you can make informed decisions, including information about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, and the risks and benefits of recommended treatment; this includes information about prescribed medications and their purpose, possible side effects, and any alternatives to medication.
  • Receive information in plain language with appropriate translation, interpreting or other support provided if you cannot read or speak English or if you have a communication impairment.
  • Refuse treatment unless care is required by guardian or other legally authorized representative.
  • Upon written request, to receive the following information about the professionals who work with you: 1) name and title; 2) license number; 3) discipline or specialty; and 4) the name, business address, and telephone number of the professional’s supervisor.
  • To be informed, upon request, of your treating professional’s education, training, and experience.
  • Information about the expected course of treatment and the fees associated with those services, the method of billing, insurance coverage, and whether we are willing to accept partial payment or to waive payment before receiving the services, and a right to reasonable notice of changes in services or charges.
  • Refuse to give any information at any time, while understanding that the lack of information may affect our ability to help you.
  • Request a different professional, within the limits of our agency’s clinical resources, health insurance, medical assistance, or other payment programs or agreements and as agreed upon after review by the Medical Director.
  • A referral when you need services we cannot provide or we will also make a referral when you ask us to do so.
  • Information about available health and social services in the community, upon request.
  • A coordinated transfer when there will be a change in the provider of services.
  • Refuse to serve as a research subject without your informed consent or to receive care or examination primarily for educational purposes.
  • To be informed when students are involved in your care and the right to refuse such involvement.
  • Confidential and discreet delivery to your health care including case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment.
  • Confidentiality of your records, unless 1) you authorize in writing the release of these records, or 2) as provided by law.
  • Access to your records according to state and federal law.  This and other rights and restrictions concerning the privacy of your records are described in the Notice of Privacy Practices.
  • Examine public records maintained by the licensing board or agency governing the practice of the professional(s) providing service to you. Upon request, the Office Manager will provide you with the address and telephone number of the licensing board or agency.
  • Assert your rights without retaliation or other barriers to service. If you have questions about your rights, please ask your provider.


We will not discriminate against you in the provision of care, treatment or services based on age, sex, race, creed, marital status, religion, national origin, disability, sexual preference, public assistance status or criminal record.  (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies).

You have the right to be free from sexual harassment, sexual contact, verbal, physical or sexual abuse, and any form of exploitation by the staff treating you.

Behavioral Health Programs

If you are receiving behavioral health services funded by the MO Department of Mental Health, you have other rights.  A copy is available at: the front desk or on-line at

Reporting a Complaint

You may openly communicate your dissatisfaction to your provider or any of our staff members, and raise questions or concerns about the services you have received without fear of retribution, retaliation or barriers to continued services.  Arthur Center Community Health wants to know about your dissatisfaction or concerns so that we have the opportunity resolve them.   Complaints will be resolved in writing within 10 business days unless it involves other outside agencies beyond our control.

Grievance Procedure

If you express continued dissatisfaction with the resolution of your complaint: 1. We will involve your healthcare provider’s supervisor or the Department Director in an attempt to resolve the problem.  2. If you continue to be dissatisfied with the resolution, appeal to the CEO.  Review by the CEO is the final level within the organization.  You will be informed of the resolution to your complaint in writing within 5 business days at each level. If you remain dissatisfied or still have concerns, you may file a formal complaint by contacting the following external agencies:

  • MO Department of Mental Health Client Rights Monitor (Behavioral Health) – (800) 364-9687
  • MO Department of Health (Primary Care/Dental Services) – (573) 751-6400
  • Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services (Behavioral Health) – (800) 392-8667
  • HHS Office of Civil Rights (Civil rights, Confidentiality) – (800) 368-1019
  • DOT Office of Civil Rights (Transportation Civil Rights) – (202) 366-4648